Mr Consistent Sours Mixer 750ml
Mr Consistent Sours Mixer 750ml
Sweet & sour - the perfect balance in any winning recipe. Our Sours is impeccably balanced, to ensure that the mixer you add with it enhances the flavours inside this mighty bottle.
Perhaps you enjoy the sweet Amaretto Sour, or maybe a Gin or a Whisky Sour - whichever route you head in, our Sours Mixer will be your best friend. This guy really like a good shake, so put on your bartender kit, pretend you're world class, and shake your booty. You'll end up with the exact same frothy head as you would in a bar, without straining a gazillion eggs (this guy is egg free, and is vegan)! GLUTEN FREE - This mixer is Gluten Free but is made in a kitchen that does produce products with gluten in them. VEGAN - No animal products or byproducts are used within this mixer!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Mr Consistent |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.0% |
Type | Mixers |
Category | Cocktail Ingredients |
Country | Australia |
Region | Queensland |