78 Degrees Vodka 700ml
78 Degrees Vodka 700ml
Vodka; a fleeting thought for most has become a reflection of what we do at Adelaide Hills Distillery. For a spirit that champions neutrality; crafting it to tell our story and show our pedigree has been one of the most difficult challenges we have ever taken on.
The first major decision is delivering our true Australian Signature, anchored in the Adelaide Hills. To achieve this we searched for regional characteristics and source material that would tell our terroir story. For us the Adelaide Hills is one of the World’s best wine and fruit growing regions of Australia, the predominant crops being grapes and apples.
To allow the subtle notes of citrus and floral characteristics to stand out we need to ensure our water quality is pure and consistent. Any irregularity in any salts and minerals (or other nasties) in the water would overtake the aromas and flavours we are looking to capture. In order to underpin the spirit we utilise a closed loop water system to ensure the standard of water is exceptional and consistent while also having the advantage of re-using any waste water without sending it to sewers.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | 78 Degrees |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 38.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Wine Region | South Australia |
Barcode | 9343797001029 |