Amberley Kiss & Tell Moscato 750ml
Amberley Kiss & Tell Moscato 750ml
The wine is light straw in colour with green hues. The bouquet displays lifted floral tones of rose petal and fresh Muscat aromas. The palate is light with flavours of sweet pear and honeysuckle. The residual sugar is well-balanced with the crisp finish, and the slight effervescence gives the wine an appealing lift.
Serve well-chilled for the best enjoyment. The lower alcohol content of this wine makes it ideal for a luncheon or to serve as aperitif. The light sweet style is also well-matched with light appetiser foods. Additionally, Moscato is an ideal accompaniment to creamy or cheesy dishes. If you enjoy a rich chocolate dessert a light Moscato could provide a pleasing contrast.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Amberley |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 7.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | White Moscato |
Wine Body | Light |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9316176779970 |