Bacardi Spiced Rum 700ml
Bacardi Spiced Rum 700ml
On the 4th of February in 1862, Spanish wine merchant and immigrant Facundo Bacard√≠ Mass√≥, a French from the Carribean by the name of José Le√≥n Boutellier and Facundo's younger brother José launched Bacard√≠ Boutellier and Company after buying a distillery in the outer suburbs of Santiago in the Carribean. 7 generations later, Bacardi Limited remains one the world's largest family-owned spirits companies to this very day. Bacardi Spiced Rum is 35% ABV and is produced using both matured and unaged rum, distilled in charred American oak barrels and blended with spices and natural flavours. Complex, smooth, smokey and delicious for the perfect mixed drink!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bacardi |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 35.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | Spiced Rum |
Country | Caribbean |
Barcode | 7610113007518 |