Burleigh Brewing Co. Big Head 330ml
Burleigh Brewing Co. Big Head 330ml
Burleigh Brewing Co Big Head's origin story comes from Burleigh Heads, the Gold Coast town where Burleigh Brewing Co is based. Burleigh Heads was initially called "burly head" (big head) in the 19th century, and Burleigh Brewing Co Big Head is described by the brewers as "a full-flavoured, full-strength lager that is 100% natural." Completely free of additives and preservatives, it's all-natural ingredients mean and 88 calories per 330ml bottle, meaning that you can soak up this super sessionable lager, without packing on the carbs. And it's been voted in the GABS Hottest 100 craft beers this year too! Beach, beer, eat, sleep, repeat.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Burleigh Brewing Co. |
Size | 330ml |
Alcohol Content | 4.2% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Craft Beer |
Style | Craft Lager |
Country | Australia |
Region | New South Wales |
Barcode | 9339220001421 |