Capucana Cachaca 700ml
Capucana Cachaca 700ml
Cachaça is a popular Brazilian spirit made from sugar cane. Although it is not widely available, we are pleased to announce the arrival of CapuCana Cachaça on our island. This exquisite spirit is crafted in Piracicaba, near Sao Paulo, using three distinct varieties of sugar cane and is aged for three years before bottling. It showcases a refreshing aroma of aloe vera, orange, and biscuits. The palate reveals similarities to rum, complemented by hints of honey blossom and stewed fruit.
The nose of CapuCana Cachaça offers enticing notes of apricot, oak, leather, biscuit, orange fudge, and black pepper. On the palate, it exhibits a rum-like character with flavors of vanilla, pears, and honey. The finish is long-lasting, creamy, sweet, and features a delightful blend of floral and citrus notes.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Cachaca 51 |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Country | Brazil |
Barcode | 8437009805718 |