Chazalletes & Co de Torino Rosso Vermouth 750ml
Chazalletes & Co de Torino Rosso Vermouth 750ml
This Vermouth di Torino, based on a traditional recipe dating back to 1876 by Clemente Chazalettes, is a stunning red wine-based creation. Unlike most rossos, which utilize white wine as a base and then add coloring agents like caramel, the Chazalettes Vermouth Rosso uses the Bava family's own Barbera as the base wine, complemented by a touch of Nebbiolo. According to Roberto Bava, the reaction between the red wine and the extracts is distinct, as the tannins in the wine interact with the spices and bitterness, resulting in a unique evolution of flavors over time. The resulting Vermouth boasts a richer color and a more substantial texture compared to modern examples. The resurrected 1876 recipe includes Piemonte wormwood, Piedmontese herbs, marjoram, and musk mallow, as well as more exotic botanicals like sandalwood, mace, galangal, clary sage, cinchona bark, and coriander. Each botanical is meticulously prepared and undergoes maceration for various durations, ranging from a few days to several weeks.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Chazalletes & Co |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 16.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vermouth |
Style | Sweet Vermouth |
Country | Italy |
Region | Piemonte |
Barcode | 8007117030151 |