Hendrick's Gin 700ml
Hendrick's Gin 700ml
Hendrick's is a classic gin, made in the London Dry style. It has a long history of quality and consistency, due to careful preservation of the traditional recipe coupled with attention to every step of the distillation process. The ingredients are those expected in a London Dry gin, botanicals, and herbs selected for quality and freshness. Distinct juniper, coriander, and pine notes form the foundation for the spirit, followed by anise and pepper to add excitement. Citrus, including orange peel and lemon, freshness the palate between each sip. Hendricks has a unique scent that many gin lovers appreciate, coming from the addition of the remarkable Bulgarian Rosa Damascena, light, fresh, which is subtly woven throughout the flavour profile. Hendricks is carefully distilled in small batches, multiple times, to ensure impurities are removed. Enjoy this is a classic martini with a lemon twist or olives.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Hendrick's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 41.4% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Scotland |
Barcode | 5010327755014 |