Macchu Pisco Pisco La Diablada 750ml
Macchu Pisco Pisco La Diablada 750ml
La Diablada is a high-end custom Pisco blend that is sourced from a select reserve of Quebranta, Muscatel, and award-winning Italia grapes. This expertly crafted blend features a harmonious balance of these three grape varieties, with Quebranta providing body, Muscatel lending aromatic qualities, and Italia contributing to the luxurious aftertaste. Notably, this first-rate blend utilizes 9 kilograms of grapes per liter. Inspired by the Andean spiritual dance that symbolizes the battle between angels and demons, La Diablada aptly embodies the strive for perfect harmony, showcasing bold aromas and rounded flavors in impeccable balance.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Macchu Pisco |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 44.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Brandy Pisco |
Country | Peru |
Region | Ica Valley |
Barcode | 7750152000016 |