Moo Brew IPA 375ml
Moo Brew IPA 375ml
We said we’d never make an IPA, because Moo Brew (and Mona) owner David Walsh isn’t into IPAs. Then we made a Limited Release IPA and made Walshie drink it. He did not fire us. Plus it sold like hot cakes (and won a bunch of stuff). So we added an IPA to our core range. And it’s a lighting-strike tempting 6.66% alc/vol.
The Moo Brew IPA is light in colour, using a well-balanced pale base malt bill with some specialty malts from Germany thrown in to give it some complexity. The hops present big, fruit-driven notes coupled with a piny, resinous backbone that makes your tongue furry (in a good way, promise). This sprightly, heavily hopperised (that’s a technical term) brew is guaranteed to stand tall even in this most oversaturated of beer categories.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Moo Brew |
Size | 375ml |
Alcohol Content | 6.6% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Craft Beer |
Style | IPA |
Country | Australia |
Region | Tasmania |
Wine Region | Tasmania |
Barcode | 9346966000656 |