Pampero Blanco 700ml
Pampero Blanco 700ml
Established in Venezuela in 1938, Pampero Rum was the brainchild of Luis Manuel Toro and Alejandro Hernandez, who had backgrounds in the alcohol and sugar cane trade, and began producing rum and fruit wines in a small colonial-age house in Caracas, Quinta Crespo. Pampero Blanco is a 37.5% ABV and is produced using a blend of white rum that's matured for up to 4 years. Bursting with aromas of green apple, banana, candy floss, toffee, blackcurrant and vanilla, Pampero Blanco flows lightly across the palate for a crisp, light finish. The perfect partner for your next Friday night cocktail party!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Pampero |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | White Rum |
Country | Venezuela |
Barcode | 8028286000202 |