Paul John Classic Select Cask 700ml
Paul John Classic Select Cask 700ml
John Distilleries in the humid Goa region of India has been expanding their ranges at blinding speed. Their Paul John Classic Select Cask is a full cask strength unpeated single malt whisky aged in ex-bourbon barrels imported from the United States. Its nose is robust with heavy doses of orchard fruits, sweet barley, sponge cake and just a pinch of salt. On the palate, honey, cinnamon, cracked black pepper jump to the forefront, with light touches of fruit and dark chocolate developing quickly. It finishes with just a hint of oak spice developing behind all its juicy fruit goodness.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Paul John |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 52.2% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Single Malt Whisky |
Country | India |
Barcode | 8904014800798 |