Paul John Peated Single Malt Indian Whisky 700ml
Paul John Peated Single Malt Indian Whisky 700ml
Goa may not be top of your list for a whiskey vacation but after tasting Paul John Peated Select Cask it may just jump up a few slots. Paul John Peated Select Cask is an exceptional single malt matured in hand selected ex-bourbon barrels and bottled at full cask strength (55.5% ABV) without chill filtering. This delivers a whiskey with the depth of character to rival even the best Islay Isle offerings. Rich and well rounded, Paul John Peated Select Cask radiates with hints of sweet tropical fruits and exotic spices against a smoky background that highlights rather than hides their succulent goodness.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Paul John |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 55.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Single Malt Whisky |
Country | India |
Barcode | 8904014800811 |