Peddlers Gin Co Shanghai Gin 750ml
Peddlers Gin Co Shanghai Gin 750ml
Established in Shanghai in 2016, Peddlers Gin Co is the result of 5 years of hard work and vision of Fergus Woodward, Joseph Judd and Ryan McLeod. Peddlers Gin Co is the world's first premium London dry-style gin produced with all local Asian botanicals. Peddlers Gin Co Shanghai Gin is a 45.7% ABV rare Eastern London Dry-style gin that's distilled with rare Chinese botanicals including Lotus flower, Buddha's Hand and Sichuan Pepper along with juniper, is bursting with aromas of east Asian mint and Buddha's Hand, and the more subtle Sichuan Pepper flower with flavours of liquorice, cinnamon and angelica for a smooth herbaceous, almond and berry finish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Peddlers Gin Co |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 45.7% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | China |
Barcode | 6923540568462 |