Polka De-alc Lilly Pily Sparkling 750ml
Polka De-alc Lilly Pily Sparkling 750ml
A non-alcoholic sparkling cuvée by a South Australian company features wild harvested native Lilly Pilly. The company aimed to produce a sparkling that would be comparable to alcoholic Australian sparkling and spent 12 months researching and developing the blend of 11 white wine varietals. The specialized blend was chosen to balance the flavor and texture once the alcohol was removed. The company utilized low-temperature distillation and decades of wine-making experience to create a sparkling with a classic example of Blanc de Blancs, full flavors of citrus and apple, and a freshly effervescent mouthfeel. The palate finishes dry with a hint of sweetness and cleansing acidity.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Polka |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.4% |
Type | Non-Alcoholic |
Category | Non-Alcoholic Wine |
Country | Australia |
Region | Riverland |
Barcode | 7-54590-48588-3 |