Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Rum 700ml
Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Rum 700ml
Sailor Jerry Spiced has been a crowd favourite for over twenty years and one of the latest big booms in spirits has been a plethora of apple flavoured beers and whiskeys. It really shouldn't come as a surprise then that when Jerry finally expanded their line it would be with an apple rum. Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Rum is based on their spiced rum that we all know and love but has been given a polishing with real fruit to make it something special. The result is a dram with a sweet cinnamon apple freshness and vanilla splash that is pure refreshment in a bottle.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Sailor Jerry |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 35.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | Spiced Rum |
Country | Caribbean |
Barcode | 0-50-10327-42504-7 |