The Melbourne Gin Company Dry Gin 700ml
The Melbourne Gin Company Dry Gin 700ml
Using eleven different botanicals, both exotic and native to Oz, The Melbourne Gin Company puts a uniquely Australian twist on the classic London Dry Gin. Each ingredient is individually extracted, distilled, and then they're all blended together in the final distillation round, resulting in an exceptionally smooth gin, free of impurities, with each ingredient noticeable and contributing to the overall flavour palate. This gin starts with the traditional gin foundations of coriander seed and juniper berries, then adds grapefruit peel and Rosemary hail from the garden at Gembrook Hill Vineyard in the Yarra Valley. Final local ingredients include luscious macadamia, aromatic sandalwood, honey lemon myrtle, and organic navel orange to add a touch of acidity and brightness to the finish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | The Melbourne Gin Company |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 9369999051518 |