Two Accents Shiraz Gin 700ml
Two Accents Shiraz Gin 700ml
Crafted and batch-distilled in a traditional copper pot still in the McLaren Vale; Two Accents Shiraz Gin has the amazing addition of McLaren Vale Shiraz made from specially selected fruit from vines which are over 100 years old. A superbly balanced, smooth gin which on tasting over ice reveals warmth. Add tonic and a slice of orange in a Gin & Tonic and it's amazingly subtle due to its well-blended flavours. Can you tell, an award-winning winemaker has been involved with this amazing creation? Its character is revealed in the intensity and aromatic tones of citrus, caraway, and apples.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Two Accents |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 41.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Flavoured Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Mclaren Vale |
Barcode | 9352444009998 |