Westward Whiskey Rum Cask 700ml
Westward Whiskey Rum Cask 700ml
With a commitment to explore new frontiers in the art of whiskey-making, the Rum Cask expression represents a harmonious blend of our founder's Guatemalan heritage, the pioneering spirit of the American Northwest, and our exceptional craftsmanship in producing whiskey. Through a meticulous finishing process in Magdalena Rum casks, sourced from the Westward Whiskey team's creation of a premium Guatemalan rum using only the finest ingredients and a patient, gradual fermentation method, this American Whiskey showcases enticing tropical and fruity aromas that perfectly enhance the distinct boldness and robust flavors inherent in our range of whiskeys.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Westward |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 50.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Single Malt Whisky |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 8-53507-00040-6 |