Wild Duck Creek Reserve Shiraz 750ml
Wild Duck Creek Reserve Shiraz 750ml
Almost black with a dark purple hue, yet the wine is bright, rich and seductive. 5% whole bunch here, adding a vibrant lift from the glass. The nose is all black pastel, charcoal, spice and red fruit compote. The palate has a wonderful electricity about it, with beautiful acids and a smooth finish. It’s full of violets, blue and black fruits, all alongside concentrated plum and chocolate. The mouth feel has real grip here, and is unlike any other wine in the line-up. The finish is long and framed by abundant tannins.
No stone is left unturned in the production of the Reserve Shiraz. The vineyards are cared for meticulously through hard cane pruning, shoot thinning in spring, under-vine mulching, as well as fruit thinning if needed at veraison to control yield and separate bunches. The fruit is then partly destemmed, often using up to 50% whole bunches in the ferment to create layers of texture, slow down fermentation and control temperature. The resulting wine is then basket pressed into 100% new French oak barriques where it will lay for up to 27 months depending on the vintage.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Wild Duck Creek |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 15.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Country | Australia |
Region | Heathcote |
Wine Region | Heathcote |
Barcode | 4-17861-11111-8 |