Yellow Rose Distillery Rye Whiskey 700ml
Yellow Rose Distillery Rye Whiskey 700ml
Yellow Rose Distillery is still considered a craft distillery but they may not be for much longer. They have embarked on a plan to expand their line and their market. For us Aussies this means the time is right to grab some of their Yellow Rose Distillery Rye Whiskey while it is still handcrafted. Produced from 95% Rye it is aged at least four years in virgin oak barrels. Yellow Rose Distillery Rye Whiskey is labelled as straight and that is how it should be enjoyed. Bottled at 45% ABV it has surprisingly little heat but plenty of gentle spices and touches of honey sweetness.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Yellow Rose Distilling |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 45.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Rye Whisky |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 8-57186-00638-4 |