Yeni Raki Seri 700ml
Yeni Raki Seri 700ml
Yeni Raki - Yeni Seri, is a fresh Turkish spirit that captures the essence of Turkey in every bottle. Made from the finest grapes and aniseed, Yeni Seri is the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, bringing together the authentic flavor of raki with a fresh twist.
It's a premium spirit that is crafted using the traditional methods of raki-making, combined with modern techniques to create a unique taste that is fresh, smooth, and refreshing. Its clear and bright appearance is a testament to its purity and quality, while its aroma of aniseed and subtle hints of grape reveal its unique character.
Best enjoyed as a social drink, and its smooth and refreshing taste makes it the perfect accompaniment to any meal or occasion. Whether you're enjoying it with friends or family, Yeni Raki - Yeni Seri will transport you to the heart of Turkey, evoking the sights, sounds, and flavors of this beautiful country.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Yeni Raki |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 45.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Country | Turkey |
Barcode | 8697530209441 |