Zeus Oyzo 50ml
Zeus Oyzo 50ml
According to mythology, Oyzo was the divine elixir bestowing courage and strength upon its drinkers. Zeus Oyzo, characterized by its distinctive flavor, is an authentic Greek beverage crafted by the Stavrakoulis family using a traditional recipe inherited over generations. This unique spirit offers a genuine Greek Oyzo experience, enchanting the taste buds with characteristic licorice-like nuances.
The bouquet of Zeus Oyzo is redolent with sweet anise, featuring a dominant and well-articulated licorice-like profile.
The palate is met with a delightful anise and licorice interplay, with subtle hints of cardamom, leading to a typically sweet, smooth, and unadulterated finale.
The finish is rich and dry, with a slightly prickling texture that lingers on.
When diluted with water, Zeus Oyzo takes on a milky white appearance tinged with a hint of blue.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Zeus |
Size | 12/50ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 9323594002061 |