Absolut Elyx 700ml
Absolut Elyx 700ml
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Absolut Elyx is the super-premium vodka from the respected Swedish vodka company Absolut. It's a true luxury vodka, crafted with the same principles of integrity and quality craftsmanship that have made Absolut the leading vodka distillery for over 100 years. Elyx is manually distilled in the same vintage copper still that Absolut has used since 1921, overseen by master vodka makers who ensure every step of the process is executed for the best result. It's little wonder this vodka is called "liquid silk," for its perfect balance, clean taste free of impurities, and rich mouthfeel. It's perfect for a martini or any other cocktail that highlights the purity of the spirit.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Absolut |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.3% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Sweden |
Barcode | 7312040217014 |
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