Airlie Bank Garden Red 750ml
Airlie Bank Garden Red 750ml
This is exciting on two fronts: First, as a considered response to the fresh, juicy red style the drinker is rapidly swinging towards. Second, because it marks a significant point in time for our vineyard, seven years in the planning. This wine is an equal-parts blend of Grenache, Gamay and Cab Franc. Grenache and Gamay are relatively new arrivals for us, and both could be as significant as Pinot Noir in our future. The wine's characteristics show why we planted them post-phylloxera and in a warming climate. This is bright but savoury, and maintains our house style on an increasingly volatile planet.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Airlie Bank |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Red Blends |
Country | Australia |
Region | Yarra Valley |
Wine Region | Yarra Valley |
Barcode | 9326022000974 |