An Dulaman Irish Gin 500ml
An Dulaman Irish Gin 500ml
San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2021 - Gold
Dúlamán is the name of an Irish folk song that describes the conversation between two seaweed harvesters--the coast around Sliabh Liag holds an extraordinary bounty for such foragers, assuming they have the knowledge of where and how to harvest these natural products of the ocean.
Over a base of juniper, angelica, cassia, coriander, orange and lemon peel, An Dúlamán uses five types of local seaweed. Channel Wrack adds firmness, Sugar Kelp gives sweetness and Dulse spikes the blend with its savoury saltiness. Pepper Dulse is the most elusive local seaweed and yields a distinctive spicy, umami note. As this amazing plant thrives at the very edge of the shoreline, hidden among rocks, it can only be harvested on a full moon when the tides withdraw. Then there's Carrageen Moss that provides a delicately nutty sweetness. Each seaweed is prepared separately, and the gin is distilled using the standard London Dry method, save for the vapour infused Carrageen Moss.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | An Dulaman |
Size | 500ml |
Alcohol Content | 43.2% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Ireland |
Barcode | 5391532620008 |