Animale Pinot Noir 750ml
Animale Pinot Noir 750ml
"The Pinot noir is a blend of vineyards from the Upper and Lower Yarra Valley, as well as a blend of juicy carbonic fruit and more restrained destemmed ferments. It is a pure Yarra, Pinot expression showing cherry and red berry flavors followed by a detailed savory finish." The low-yielding Highbow Vineyard and Yarra Station are both in the lower valley and make up the lion's share, while Primavera is in the upper, Woori Yallock subregion and contributed just 9% of the blend. The Highbow and Primavera batches were completely destemmed and fermented for around 20 days with a light pump-over every day, followed by a few plunges towards the end of maceration. The wines were separately pressed to old hogsheads for malo and maturation. The fruit from Yarra Station (54%) was fermented as whole bunches for approximately 12 days. After a few light stomps, it was pressed to stay on light lees in old 500 L puncheons and barriques. Malolactic completed over a few months, and the three wines were racked together and returned to barrel for a further month without sulfur. Finally, it was racked lightly again to tank prior to a light sulfur addition in preparation for bottling. No fining or filtration."
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Animale |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Pinot Noir |
Country | Australia |
Region | Yarra Valley |
Wine Region | Yarra Valley |
Barcode | 100054671111111 |