Atanasio Blanco Tequila 750ml
Atanasio Blanco Tequila 750ml
Tequila Atanasio comes to the Sip Tequila portfolio from the small town of El Medineño, just 20 minutes north west of the town of Tequila. The name Atanasio comes from Spanish and Greek roots, and means “immortal,” tying closely to the brand as they pay homage to it’s creator, Tio Atanasio, who lived to be 103 years old. You’ll see this number on the neck of the bottle in honor of him and his philosophy that “with a little bit of Tequila every day, one can live forever.” Now, generations later, with Maestro Tequilero Don Chico Jiminez at the helm, Atanasio produces some of our favourite expressions of Tequila coming from the Valley.
Small batch, hand-crafted by Maestro Tequilero Don Chico Jiminez. Easy to sip, agave forward with bright notes of vanilla, citrus, and herbs
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Atanasio |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Tequila & Mezcal |
Style | Silver & Blanco Tequila |
Country | Mexico |
Barcode | 7500463496653 |