Australian Distilling Co Adelaide Gin 700ml
Australian Distilling Co Adelaide Gin 700ml
The Adelaide Gin from Australian Distilling Company features the richness of Kangaroo Island lavender, lush and vibrantly aromatic. The nose and flavour profile is floral in nature, but there's a lovely balance of the traditional range of spices, including orris root, juniper, coriander, and cardamon. This attention to the balance between spices and floral, plus close attention to the distilling process for smoothness and purity of spirit results in a gin that's received multiple awards, including:
DOUBLE GOLD - 2020 SIP Awards International Spirits Competition, California.
CONSUMER CHOICE - 2020 SIP Awards International Spirits Competition, California.
GOLD - 2020 World Spirits Awards, Austria.
GOLD - 2019 World Gin Masters, Asia Pacific.
GOLD- 2019 Berlin International Spirits Awards.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Australian Distilling Co |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9354300000019 |