Avosh Bottlebrush Honey Vodka 700ml
Avosh Bottlebrush Honey Vodka 700ml
The key to the depth of flavour in the distilling process is the close attention to detail of the master distillers from Avosh distillery. The Bottlebrush Honey Vodka is an incredibly sweet, luscious vodka, with a depth of flavour captured in the distilling process, and without the sugar from the honey making it into the final product. Each small batch is slowly distilled in their copper still, infusing along the way with organic bottlebrush honey to impart an intense aroma and a smooth and aromatic flavour. This depth of character sets this super-premium vodka apart, and the absence of residual sugar ensures a smooth finish. Enjoy in any vodka cocktail, or over ice with a wedge of fresh orange.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Avosh |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Flavoured Vodka |
Country | Australia |
Region | Western Australia |
Barcode | 9343529002027 |