Bacardi Mojito Rum 700ml
Bacardi Mojito Rum 700ml
Classic Cocktail Mojito provides the ultimate tasting cocktails experience. The Bacardi Classic Cocktail Mojito is a ready-to-serve version of the famed classic that captures the great taste of Bacardi Rum, which lends its balanced profile and classic taste to this innovative product; with natural flavours of mint and lime taste of the original that is extremely easy to make. Bacardi Classic Cocktails Mojito has a taste experience you're sure to remember.
A ready made Mojito cocktail from Bacardi, combining mint, sugar, lime juice and their superior rum. It's designed to be easily served, simply poured over crushed ice with a mint garnish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bacardi |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.9% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Country | Puerto Rico |
Barcode | 7610113000175 |