Bacardi Reserva Limitada 750ml
Bacardi Reserva Limitada 750ml
A limited run, Bacardí Gran Reserva Limitada is considered the most premium of all the offerings this world famous family produces. Originally intended exclusively for the Bacardi family themselves, we can only be thankful they decided to grace the world with its presence. Rich in character and very complex, Bacardí Gran Reserva Limitada is a rum that even wine connoisseurs can appreciate. A blending 12 to 18 year old family reserves. Bacardí Gran Reserva Limitada offers butterscotch, toffee, old leather, bananas and hints of smoke leading into a very long dry finish that borders on elegance.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bacardi |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Country | Puerto Rico |
Barcode | 5010677406369 |