Bayou Rum XO Mardi Gras 700ml
Bayou Rum XO Mardi Gras 700ml
An Ultra Premium rum matured in bourbon barrels for up to 5 years and finished for 1 extra year in the finest Spanish Pedro Ximenez sherry barrels, leaving a deep mahogany complexion. A double cask luxury rum
Slightly floral on the nose mixed with cedar wood, stone fruit, plum, sandalwood and dried dark fruit. A multi-layered and complex palate with hints of orange marmalade and dark stone fruit with bursts of blackcurrant, prune and oak, along with slight sweetness reminiscent of tupelo honey. The finish is long and pleasantly dry with honey, black pepper and sherry.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bayou Rum |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Rum |
Style | Dark Rum |
Country | United States |