Big Drop Poolside Ipa 375ml
Big Drop Poolside Ipa 375ml
Established in anticipation of the explosion of the low alcohol and alcohol-free craft beer market, award-winning Big Drop Brewing Co was launched in 2016 by ex-lawyer Rob Fink and musician, designer and entrepreneur, James Kindred. They now boast a core range of 4 beers and a whole swag of seasonal brews. Big Drop Poolside IPA is an 0.5% ABV Ultra Low Alcohol DDH (Double Dry Hopped) India Pale Ale and is a US hops-driven tropical fruit explosion that's bursting with notes of pine, citrus and stone fruits, flowing across the palate with herbaceous mango and pine flavours for a beautiful, refreshing finish.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Big Drop |
Size | 375ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.5% |
Type | Non-Alcoholic |
Category | Non-Alcoholic Beer |
Style | IPA |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 5060696280143 |