Bitter Truth Golden Falernum 500ml
Bitter Truth Golden Falernum 500ml
The Bitter Truth Golden Falernum Liqueur holds true to its rum heritage, showcasing a golden hue and a rich, multifaceted flavor profile. Its aromatic notes include fresh lime, seashell, and ginger, accented with a hint of Christmas ambiance. The palate is treated to a dynamic progression of flavors, transitioning from fresh ginger to vanilla and almond, culminating in a fiery allspice finish with a subtle hint of Bajan sweet pepper sauce heat. Its complexity and depth can enhance any aged spirit, transforming it into an elaborate tropical cocktail.
This falernum stands out in its class, boasting an ABV of 18%. It can be enjoyed neat or on ice, and pairs excellently with aged spirits such as whiskey, rum, and brandy. Additionally, it is a crucial component in a variety of Tiki drinks.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bitter Truth |
Size | 500ml |
Alcohol Content | 18.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Country | Germany |
Barcode | 4260167660806 |