Blind Corner Wilyabrup Governo Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Blind Corner Wilyabrup Governo Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Like Sauvignon Blanc smuggled from an exotic bazaar, this wine has a familiar taste, but with added characters of blackcurrant flower, mandarin and Morrocan spice.
To make the new and improved Governo blend, a portion of grapes are hand- picked early and air-dried, before wild fermented 'on skins'. The remaining grapes are basket pressed and wild-fermented in old French oak, stainless steel and a concrete egg. These batches are then combined and lees stirred occasionally for 7 months, prior to bottling cloudy to maintain a nice orange hue.
The result is a taste that goes beyond what you normally expect from Sauvignon Blanc, transporting your mood to far-flung lands.
Hairydog Team Notes: Fresh and light on the nose delivering a classic Sauvignon Blanc but with a few surprises up its sleeve. Almost aperitif in style, mandarin & orange spice with a dry finish. This is one not to be missed.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Blind Corner |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | White Wine Blend |
Country | Australia |
Region | Margaret River |
Wine Region | Margaret River |
Barcode | 100093411111111 |