Brogan's Way Evening Light Gin 700ml
Brogan's Way Evening Light Gin 700ml
Fresh and fruity, Brogan's Way Evening Light Gin is an easy-drinking spirit, gentle yet zesty with bright spicy aromatics. It is crafted using uniquely Australian botanicals, including fresh mangos, organic white grapefruit juice, and tartly tangy red raspberries for a fruity and unconventional backbone, with warm cassia and sweet, pine-scented juniper as a foundation. Fresh river mint and strawberry gum are present at the finish, rounding out a uniquely Australian flavour profile. Try this gin with fresh fruit juices or with lemonade for a refreshing summer cocktail.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Brogan's Way |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 42.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | New World Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 9353592000028 |