Brogan's Way Royal Blood 700ml
Brogan's Way Royal Blood 700ml
Brogan's Way Royal Blood is a navy-strength gin, maintaining that it has a higher ABV% than a traditional gin, at 57.2%! There's a savoury sensation coupled with a lingering heat from the cardamon, which adds to the kick-off of the gin - this isn't a spirit for the faint of heart. There's herbal aromas from bay leaf and rosemary, plus a dash of Australian sea parsley, roasted wattleseed, and saltbush. There's a rich mouthfeel and a smooth finish, but this is definitely a gin with a more masculine flavour profile. Serve with tonic and an orange wedge to enhance the savoury spiciness.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Brogan's Way |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 57.2% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | Navy Strength Gin |
Country | Australia |
Region | Victoria |
Barcode | 9353592000011 |