Bushmills Original Irish Whiskey 1L
Bushmills Original Irish Whiskey 1L
While most of the Irish whiskey industry has been hard at work trying to reinvent the wheel, it is nice to see that some still appreciate tradition. The recipe for Bushmills Original hasn't changed one iota in well over a hundred years. A blending of triple distilled malt whiskey and a lighter grain whiskey, this classic has no reason to change. Along with its brother Jameson, it dominates the Irish market and competition circuit as well. As near to perfect as an Irish whiskey can be, Bushmills Original garnered almost 40 awards in 2020 even with the COVID lockdowns.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Bushmills |
Size | 1000ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Blended Whisky |
Country | Ireland |
Barcode | 5055966801081 |