Chalmers Col Fondo Sparkling Rose 750ml
Chalmers Col Fondo Sparkling Rose 750ml
Col Fondo is unfiltered sparkling wine and it’s cloudy with the lees left in the bottle. With its second fermentation occurring in the bottle, similar to Champagne, the result is something drier and more savoury, and typically a terroir-driven wine which can be a little funky and pleasantly drying with no dosage. No funk here though. In the bottle you’ll find freshly squeezed cloudy pink grapefruit in colour, attractive, red-fruited perfume, tart yet moreish with lots of zip and texture on the palate. Fine fizz with a deliciousness that screams ‘pour me another glass’.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Chalmers |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.0% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Sparkling |
Style | Sparkling Rose |
Country | Australia |
Region | Heathcote |
Wine Region | Heathcote |
Barcode | 9333721000495 |