Cocalero Negro 700ml
Cocalero Negro 700ml
COCALERO NEGRO showcases the distinct and varied tastes of South America, drawing inspiration from the Aji Panca chilli. With a history rooted in ancient rituals, these chillies were traditionally utilized in ceremonial practices. After being sun-dried in the Andean region, they transition from a ripe red hue to a deep black shade. Meticulously combined with our Cocalero botanicals, these chillies, along with the flavorful Locoto Pepper, contribute to the creation of an exceptionally zesty spirit. For optimal enjoyment, Negro is recommended to be served chilled or paired with ginger beer.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Cocalero |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 29.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Country | Ireland |