Cooper Burns Shiraz 750ml
Cooper Burns Shiraz 750ml
The Shiraz fruit for this wine has been selected from 3 separate vineyards located at the northern end of the Barossa Valley. Tended by the Kalleske family, these vines are typically planted in brown loamy sand to clay loams over deep red clay. Being at the northern end of the valley, these vineyards are subject to a harsher, drier growing season than their counterparts in the southern areas of the Barossa Valley. Accordingly, the ‘terroir’ of these 3 vineyards lend themselves to low yielding, intensely flavoured fruit with strong tannin profiles. Deep dark red in colour. Lifted and intriguing nose of plums, blackberry, mocha, mint and spice on the nose. Intensely flavoured and richly textured palate, packed with black and red fruits and a touch of spice, framed by fine silky tannins, great length and balance. Seamless!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Cooper Burns |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 14.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Shiraz |
Wine Body | Full |
Country | Australia |
Region | Barossa Valley |
Wine Region | Barossa Valley |
Barcode | 9345001000026 |