Coopers Original Pale Ale 375ml
Coopers Original Pale Ale 375ml
One of Australia's finest family-brewed beers, Coopers Pale Ale is a crisp, cloudy and refreshing bottle-fermented Australian pale. When Thomas Cooper used an old family recipe to brew his first batch of ale back in 1862, it would be fair to describe him as a novice craft brewer. 150+ years on, Coopers Brewery is Australia's largest Australian-owned brewery, selling 10s of millions litres every single year. Bottled with its trademark sediment that provides Coopers ales with their distinctive, fine cloudy appearance, Coopers Pale Ale is preservative-free, free of additives and is pours a deep, golden colour that hits the palate with fruity, floral flavours. Hashtag delicious!
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Coopers |
Size | 375ml |
Alcohol Content | 4.5% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Classic Beer |
Style | Pale Ale |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Barcode | 9310441001575 |