Crown Royal Peach Whisky 750ml
Crown Royal Peach Whisky 750ml
Vibrant and deliciously sweet, Crown Royal Peach is the perfect blended whiskey for summer. Boasting the light and luscious smoothness of Canadian whisky alongside the full freshness of Georgia peaches, Crown Royal Peach Whisky 750ml is ideal for entertaining in the warmer months. Conversely, Crown Peach is a perfect addition to a warm winter cocktail and is a masterfully infused blended whisky that will delight the palate and tantalize the tastebuds. For connoisseurs of Canadian whisky and flavoured whiskies in general, Peach Crown Royal is a high-quality, fruit-forward spirit that is as easy drinking as it is approachable.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Crown Royal |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 35.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Style | Fruit Liqueur |
Country | Canada |
Barcode | 0-82000-78291-9 |