De Kuyper Amaretto Liqueur 700ml
De Kuyper Amaretto Liqueur 700ml
Experience the rich and velvety essence of De Kuyper Amaretto, an exquisite liqueur meticulously crafted with unparalleled precision and expertise, earning its place among the favorites of discerning connoisseurs. With a volume of 700ml, this bottle offers an ideal opportunity for sharing and savoring moments with friends and loved ones.
De Kuyper Amaretto is produced using the finest quality almonds, carefully chosen and expertly blended to achieve a smooth and luxurious flavor profile. Its deep amber hue and enticing aroma are sure to captivate the senses from the moment the bottle is opened.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | De Kuyper |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 30.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Liqueur |
Style | Fruit Liqueur |
Country | Holland |
Barcode | 8710625300707 |