Dom Perignon Luminous 750ml
Dom Perignon Luminous 750ml
Dom Perignon represents a brand of vintage Champagne, produced by Moet & Chandon, functioning as the house's signature prestige champagne. The brand earns its name from Dom Perignon, a key figure in determining the quality standards of Champagne, who was also a Benedictine monk. Exclusively a vintage champagne, every Dom Perignon vintage manifests as a distinctive and unique creation that reflects the characteristics of the year it was produced, as well as the essence of the Dom Perignon brand. After a minimum of eight years of meticulous crafting within the cellars, the resultant wine epitomizes the seamless balance and plenitude of harmony synonymous with Dom Perignon.
Vintages may vary.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Dom Perignon |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Champagne |
Style | Champagne |
Wine Body | Medium |
Country | Australia |
Region | Champagne |
Barcode | 999999999 |