Drumshanbo Sausage Tree Irish Vodka 700ml
Drumshanbo Sausage Tree Irish Vodka 700ml
This Irish vodka is made with the fruit of the Kigelia Africana, also known as the sausage tree. Soft hints of citrus and pear, with kitchen herbs and a pinch of lemongrass. Drumshanbo is a curious distillery – for a start, they're gin-makers in a whiskey heartland. Named for the meadowsweet (drumshanbo) in their signature Gunpowder Irish Gin, their botanical line-up is anything but ordinary, featuring gunpowder tea alongside Silk Road spices. Their Sausage Tree Vodka uses the Kigelia Africana (sausage tree) fruit as a base, combined with Irish grain and nettle. Curiouser and curiouser...
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Drumshanbo |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 43.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Ireland |
Region | County Leitrim |
Barcode | 5391530350082 |