El Jolgorio Tobaziche Mezcal 750ml
El Jolgorio Tobaziche Mezcal 750ml
El Jolgorio Tobaziche is made with maguey Tobaziche, which is a member of the agave Karwinskii family. This agave takes about 14 years to mature before it is ready for harvest. Master Mezcalero Pedro Vasquez is widely known for the incredible mezcal he creates, and this mezcal is no exception. It carries deep notes of pine, green bananas, lime peel, and a hint of tar that mixes with clean smoke. El Jolgorio is named for the celebrations that take place throughout the mountain villages of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mezcal is at the heart of these festivals, and El Jolgorio is a mezcal of tradition and significance. Representing the work of 16 families in 10 different regions of Oaxaca, El Jolgorio embodies their shared cultural connection while also highlighting the special story, and unique mezcal expression, of each place. Each batch may vary in profile depending on the harvest.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | El Jolgorio |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 47.8% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Tequila & Mezcal |
Style | Mezcal |
Country | Mexico |
Region | Oaxaca |
Barcode | 7503011641680 |