Eristoff Premium Vodka 1L
Eristoff Premium Vodka 1L
Eristoff is a fresh, pure vodka spirit, created using 100% pure grain for just a touch of sweetness and the right balance of moisture for a clean finish that doesn't dry out the mouth. It's distilled three times, using de-mineralized water for the purest taste and charcoal filtered at the end, ensuring all impurities are removed and the final spirit is light, fresh, and exceptionally smooth. Use this vodka in a martini, either dirty with blue-cheese stuffed olives or over ice with a splash of freshly squeezed blood orange juice, to release the touch of sweetness in the spirit.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Eristoff |
Size | 1000ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | France |
Barcode | 8410414000909 |