Eristoff Premium Vodka 700ml
Eristoff Premium Vodka 700ml
Eristoff Premium Vodka was created in 1806 for Prince Eristavi of Duchy of Racha in Georgia, a former Soviet republic on the Black Sea. The grey wolf has been part of Georgian history since medieval times and they still run wild in Georgia today. The wolf on the bottle's logo howling at the crescent moon is derived from the word 'Gorjestan', which means 'land of the wolf' in Persian. Produced with 100% grain spirit, Eristoff Premium Vodka is first triple distilled with demineralised water, after which it is charcoal filtered which provides it with a pure, velvet taste and premium purity.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Eristoff |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 37.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | France |
Barcode | 8410414000466 |